
Archive for March, 2010

About 8 weeks ago my boyfriend decided he needed to keep up with his amazing girlfriend (moi) and run a marathon.  His buddy conned him into it and I helped them piece together a training plan to go from 0 to 26.2 in 8 snowy weeks. Well the National Marathon was this weekend and, might I say, it was epic.

I woke up with him at 4:30 to go to the metro in order to get down to the race in time. It took a solid hour to get to the race in time. Once there we took a group shot:

Then we bid adieu and I drank my delicious, nutricious, high fuel green monster:

It had:

  • Cup spinach
  • Organic Wheat Grass
  • 1 scoop Jay Robb Protein Powder
  • Pineapple
  • 1/2 c Coconut Water
  • 1 c Hemp Milk
  • 1/4 avocado

It kept me full from 6:30 am until about 11 am. WIN!

While my green monster was a win, my photograph skillz were severely lacking.

Exhibit A:

This should have been a picture of my boy right at the start. Instead as I was happily trying to click away, he yells at me, “Lens cap, babe!” Yes, my lens cap was on. FAIL #1.

Exhibit B:

What an awesome picture at mile 6, except, oh, what’s that? Yes. My camera was on MANUAL not AUTOMATIC.

Fail #2.

By mile 17 I had my shiz together:

And at the end:

Afterwards, he felt great (lucky duck), so we headed back home. There he laid around and stretched while I baked my booty off for a potluck. I decided to make bread- you know ex post facto carbo loading.

This is the famous No Knead Bread. It is always a winner and impresses everyone. I HIGHLY recommend making it! So easy!

And for dessert I made Nutella Challah Bread- adapted from here:

This is before it was baked- as I baked it at the people’s home. But let me tell you, Nutella + Challah = CRAZY DELICIOUS. Steamy Kitchen is an awesome website- I highly recommend it. This bread got eaten in about 5 minutes. People were calling dibs on it and eating it before others even were able to get up to it. Again, easy, impressive, delicious.

We had some guests staying with us Saturday night so I used the left over dough to make Steamy Kitchen’s adaptation of No Knead Cinnamon Rolls. HOLY YUM! But these rolls cannot be ruined. They take some time to rest, so I got up before everyone, prepped the rolls (I halved the brown sugar), and ran while it rested.

I came back and put ’em in the oven and soon everyone woke up due to the delicious smell emanating from the kitchen (despite the sugar coating spilling over the sides and burning on the bottom of the oven–apparently only I smelled that). The smell was nothing compared to what emerged.


Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I’m exhausted now- but Spring Break is so soon! Yay!

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Green Juice!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

In honor of this green day I started my day with some green juice.

A bullet of health

In this juice:

  • 1/4 head of cabbage
  • 2 organic green apples
  • 2-inch piece of ginger
  • 1/2 a lemon
  • head of broccoli
  • 2 large pieces of kale

It was divine! It tastes like lemon-apple-ginger even though it’s sneaking in all those other amazing healthy foods. *SWOON*

I always make my juice the night before and then store it in a glass container overnight in the refrigerator to make sure all the good stuff stays in it. I also drink it within the next 24 hours.

Hope everyone had a great green day!

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Since last May I have had a very on-and-off relationship with my blog.  I believe that this carries over to my relationship with food.  My time with my blog is also my time to reflect and enjoy being healthy– from exercise to food to serenity.

Beginning March 1st I decided it was time to start again. I needed to reset my body once and for all to truly find my balance that was now missing. I needed to go back to what makes me feel good. This means I cut out dairy, gluten, corn, citrus, wheat (basically the elimination diet) until March 26th. I am having a ton of green juice and green monsters. For the past two weeks I am slowly beginning to crave the foods I once did and feel a balance and energy in my body that was once missing.  If it’s green- I want to eat it. If it has health benefits- I’m all about it. Coming my way? Maca, cocoa butter, and chia seeds.  I am so excited to start this journey of clean eating and I am excited to share it with you all.

Here’s to this new journey!

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