
Posts Tagged ‘Bar Method’

Today I have no meetings, no classes… nothing (except a ton of work!). I started by hitting snooze long enough to appreciate listening to the rain on the roof. I rolled out of bed, made a 1/2 cup oat bran in 1.25 cups water with a T of PB. I then did Bar Method ‘s Accelerated Workout DVD. I love it because it gently gets my heart rate up but also makes me stretch!

I came home and had a proteinalicious snack with two Lightlife Smart Dogs and a cup of spinach topped with ketchup… yum! I also made a delicious cup of coffee with half a packet of hot chocolate and 2 T Silk Hazelnut creamer. Heaven in a cup.

Hopefully I’ll get my camera connection cord soon so I can add pictures and pretend to be as awesome as all the other bloggers out there. For now it’s time to research early childhood math education. Yippee!

Happy President’s Day!

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Today marks the last day of being 24. I woke up early and did The Bar Method “Shape Your Body” dvd while the boy slept in. Before this, I munched on half a Clif Bar. After a great morning, stretching and burning (who knew little movements could burn so much??), I created a delicious breakfast of oats cooked with a banana, chocolate soy milk, and water. Then finished with some peanut butter on the side, so I could make sure to have some in every bite. Nothing is complete without PB!! It kept me full for the rest of the day! I can’t wait to continue experimenting with oats.

In honor of 25, I have some goals for myself:

  1. Do yoga at least 2x a week
  2. Eat foods that sustain me
  3. Strength train at least 3x a week
  4. Cardio 5 x a week
  5. MOST IMPORTANTLY, love my body for all that it does every day.

And now to do more reading before a late night study session with some friends…

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